Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Pretty Little Ladies

I actually just came back home after a very very long day! I met up with my friends Dianne and Paula at SM North Edsa. It was not my first time going there alone (i had to meet up with them there since they live near that mall) but it's been a long long long time since i was there; think the last time i was there was way back 4 years ago, i was there for a cosplay shoot.

Before i got there there were so many things that happened to me like i got lost going to the MRT Station, i kind of sort of went down the jeepney way before i could reach the MRT station so i had to use a flyover to get there which was so scary for me and i was wearing like 4 inches of wedge!!! It was so hard climbing up and down an old flyover. I felt really bad since i was tried to help this old lady with a kid with her and kind of included her on getting lost which was honestly not my intention :(

Anyway when i got to trinoma mall (After a grueling 3 hour travel) Dianne picked me up and we went to SM North Edsa cause we still need to meet up with Paula. We went to Precious Hearts Romance to look for pocket books. Dianne got some but i didn't, i was saving my money to get some other books and i am trying hard to save up for a new camera.

When Paula came we all went to KFC and got some lunch since me and Dianne haven't eaten lunch yet. We stayed there talking and eating, just having really fun conversations till we finished our food and we took some pictures

After that i don't know we decided to get some tea so we went to trinoma and get some delicious Happy Lemon. 

I got the Passion Fruit with QQ Jelly if i remembered it correctly! It was sooo good! It reminded me of a cocktail drink, no alcohol of course! We talked while we were drinking about random stuff, but we had to leave since Dianne has a job and i wanted to go home before rush hour.

Even though we only met for about 4 hours i still had great fun! I just hoped we still had more time but there is always a next time :)

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