Thursday, July 12, 2012

Job Not Related to My Course

Applying for jobs is crazy! Applying for a job not related to your course is crazier! And i know for a fact that it's hard really hard!

Just a few hours ago, i sent my resume to 2 Filipino magazine (stylebible and cosmo) for a staffwriter and beauty assistant position. I sent a rather convincing message with it too, talking about my passion for fashion and me taking nursing only because of parental pressure!

I also saw a internship for Alyanna Martinez in Fashion intern ph. And i also sent out my resume and asked her what are the things that she needs for an intern! i would love to work for her! I will learn and meet new people and that's awesome!

Basically thinking right now that the best way to be on a job that is not related to your course is try to send out resume and a cover letter that convinces them that you are good enough! Just hope my lucky stars line up

You people might ask me why am i not pursuing my course? In my defense i am only doing this because once i get together with my fiancee and start living in the US, i will be focusing on my nursing career but till then i want to enjoy myself, my fashion, my dream! I just realized that a few weeks ago. Also nursing in the Philippines is hard! You can't get a good paying job and it's even hard to get a volunteer job that doesn't pay the bills! So i guess it's hitting 2 birds with one stone for me! Going after my dream and having good salary i mean. 

Thoughts? Share them with me!

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