Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Kalamansi juice

I always always wondered what the english for kalamansi was, but never ever searched for it lol. I finally had myself looked at it lol XD

My grandma told me to make Kalamansi juice for myself to get better sooner (i do have the flu right now) which i did, my fingers are really wrinkly right now

 Took me 30 minutes to make my juice but!!! the result is worth it!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Chinese Cabbage, Gemstones and Lactobacilli

Ok! so im sick as sick. My nose is running like a faucet  but i still went to church today as i usually do every Sunday, it was sooo hard for me to focus cause every minute or two my nose would leak and of course i have to  wipe it. My nose is so red right now it hurts :(

After church i decided to go to the mall to buy some groceries, most of the things i bought are Probiotic milk and yogurt lol. I need it cause i used up a very strong antibiotic by mistake and ive messed up with my good bacteria and now i need to feel it back up again.

I also bought some garlic powder cause i run out of it, and i love a dash of garlic powder in the foods i cook!!!

I also bought some medicines. Neozep for my runnny nose and vitamins C and E for my daily vitamin supplement. I decided to get an acetone too cause i run out of it and i want to change the color of my nails which i think i have to postpone now cause i feel sick as crap!

And one last thing i picked out was my Gemstone obsession! I was looking at the internet for gemstone meanings and i wanted to get some moonstone, amethyst, jade and rose quartz in my collection!!!!

So i asked the saleslady if she can personalize a bracelet for me cause i dont want to buy 4 different bracelets cause as of now my wrist is already chunked up with gemstone bracelets lmao. I got her to do this bracelet for me.

It consists of moonstone, amethyst, jade, rose quartz and dragon tiger stone. I never intended to get the tiger dragon stone but the saleslady said it's for long lasting and strong relationship. Although i dont need it in my life cause my relationship with my love is really strong, i still decided to get it, it gives my personalized bracelet a much better touch!

Maybe next time i could get Citrine, Tiger stone and if i could afford it, i want a peridot necklace!!!! Peridot is my birthstone soooo i really badly want it :D I might even get a moonstone only bracelet just cause im obsessed with it XD

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Whiter Teeth and Lucky Charms

My teeth has always been yellowish, it's in my genetics i guess, plus the staining from coffee and other foods i've eaten before made my teeth more and more yellowish. I have always been researching different ways to "beauty-fy myself" with natural and kitchen products. I found out that Baking Soda is a magic powder, but i never really tried it before, i guess i was skeptical.

The other day I was in the Supermarket trying to find some Cranberry juice and i came across a small Baking Soda box. I decided to get it since it's only 11.75php and im like really wanting to try it, i wont lose anything if i tried it. Even if it doesnt make my teeth whiter, i read that u can use it for ur face and hair too!

I went home and tried it, i was actually surprised to see the effect! It really made my teeth whiter!!!! It was crazy good! So whenever i brush my teeth i always add some baking soda with my toothpaste! I love how it made my smile much better for making my teeth whiter!!!

Im sorry if the pic is dark, i took this picture with my netbook camera. but i'll try to provide a better picture soon!

The other day i also came across a feng sui shop at  SM Rosario, i was always wanted to buy some lucky charmed bracelet's! it's cute and of it does work well then ill be luckier lol!

I got the main dangling in a Horse since my Chinese Zodiac is a Horse and i also got a red infinite excessive luck bracelet, i forgot the name of the stone it has but anyway it's cute and i could like wear it with any outfit unlike the 1st bracelet i bought which is multicolored because of the different gemstones in it.

Today was not as good as yesterday, there was an eerie feeling in the center for some reason...im not sure but i think my instincts are telling me that something is up...hmmm...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

3 Roses and a smiley cupcake

Today was an exceptionally busy day for me! We were only 4 volunteers that was left in the center, so it was really hard to manage and to juggle the work between the four of us!

It was fun trying to figure out what was happening in the Miss Universe Pageant via twitter and facebook because the television in our center didnt had signal in channel 2 ABS CBN which where the pageant was being broadcast in the Philippines.

I still don't know if it's a good news or a bad news that Ms. Philippines (Shamcey Supsup) won 3rd place! We were rooting for her and we actually thought she deserves the crown! Her answer was really smart and the fact that she was the only one who didn't had an interpreter and didn't really stutter during the Q & A section (i watched it during the news). Other factors would be that she reached the highest points in the Evening Gown and the Swimsuit Competition!

I've heard that there was a biased decision that's why Ms. Angolia won the crown instead of Ms. Philippines but who am i to know right? Im only a volunteer nurse! tihee XP

Anyway Ms. Angolia is extremely pretty too!

Anyway this is the picture of Ms. Philippines 3rd runner up in Miss Universe Pageant

After the whole fuzz of Miss U pageant, a "promo team" went to our center and serenaded us and gave us some roses and a cupcake!

After getting our "awkward but kilig moment" we went to lunch at Greenwich and it was fabulous! we had the Overload Barkada Meal which includes 
the only difference is that we had the Triple Ham and Cheese overload which was AWESOME!!!!

from Left: Me, Kaye, Jla and Kate

After that Jla and Kate went to St. Dominic to inquire for their Iv Therapist and me and Kaye went back to the center to work, which was soooooooo toxic!!!!!!!! At the end of the shift i went to the Treasurers office to get their blood pressures taken, my daily job!!!!

Anyway gotta run! it's almost 12 and time to hit the sheets. Goodnight!!!!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Black and White

I came back home from my thesis meeting, and i've bought some items that i fell in love with! i tried them on and decided to play with my webcam, then i realize that it is sorta broken lol, i messed it up so i still have to ask my brother to do a system restore in my netbook XD anyway i'lll be posting the stuff i bought later!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Once Upon a Time! Im blogging once again!

I created this blog a while back but never really updated it, cause i intend to blog a while ago. Sad thing happened and my beloved old computer crashed and died (R.I.P.) but a week ago, i got a new net book! My beloved Neo Basic 3363N in Black! (i'll be bedazzling it soon!). 

The past few days, ive been seeing some wonderful blogs that made me inspired and started designing my blog! I didn't wanna post anything here till it's already prettified and glamified lol. It's not done yet but at least i've had some improvements! I'll be glaming this baby up tomorrow, it's just 2:15am and i want to go to sleep that's why i stopped designing this blog site of mine.

I'll be writing more tomorrow, let me just get my beauty sleep so i wont have nasty eyebags tomorrow! Ciao!